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League of Lads Season 9

Season 9 of League of Lads, an amateur league for players in the (5.6k - 7.3k) bracket, where the teams contend for the ultimate bragging rights in the North American amateur scene

Убийств Рошана в среднем за игру Силами Тьмы: 0.8361

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
6377659883HEADBONKERS (dent)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)37:254602:10:10 15.01.2022
6377712449HEADBONKERS (dent)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)30:594803:10:23 15.01.2022
6379651843League of Lads (LADS)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)30:506302:19:54 16.01.2022
6379701588League of Lads (LADS)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)41:218603:14:31 16.01.2022
6384905245the jokers ()Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)41:177201:15:14 19.01.2022
6401388579PayPal us $30k USD ($30k)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)44:167403:01:47 28.01.2022
6408459310BING CHILLING (BING)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)57:177401:25:42 1.02.2022
6417212518BOOBA ENTHUSIASTS (BOOBA)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)42:535802:40:29 6.02.2022
6427297729Head Bonk (Head)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)27:124803:18:05 12.02.2022
6433896563Long Tall Eyelash (LTE)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)40:299303:08:03 16.02.2022
6476879906Metaverse Esports (MET)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)41:298902:10:35 15.03.2022
6484533837Team Nara (NARA)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)54:476512:20:15 20.03.2022
6484584515Team Nara (NARA)Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)32:226801:40:36 20.03.2022
6384948777Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)the jokers ()34:256202:17:00 19.01.2022
6401344391Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)PayPal us $30k USD ($30k)36:145002:04:37 28.01.2022
6408519038Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)BING CHILLING (BING)35:174902:53:13 1.02.2022
6417265965Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)BOOBA ENTHUSIASTS (BOOBA)29:326203:45:01 6.02.2022
6427249796Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)Head Bonk (Head)39:066102:15:05 12.02.2022
6433858616Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)Long Tall Eyelash (LTE)39:328102:11:14 16.02.2022
6476842918Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)Metaverse Esports (MET)38:205301:11:48 15.03.2022
6498748442Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)Metaverse Esports (MET)53:299201:08:52 29.03.2022
6498793441Canoe and the Canoobs (Canoob)Metaverse Esports (MET)37:056702:21:58 29.03.2022